Saturday, November 21, 2009

wow 3 posts in one day?!

I know this is bordering on geekdom but theres nothing else to do at wasa lake during the betweenish monthes i cant swim in the lake yet i cannot skate on it yet either i hate between months and winter so basically i hate all seasons that arent summer hahaha but that could be from the no school part. well thats not true the part i enjoy in winter is the log that suddenly appears on the shaw channel. i watch it so i can get a glimpse at the "hand" and laugh at their efforts to make it seem like its a real fire place (hahah ya the shaw people think were as dumb as them) this blog has to have some point i guess i will make a list of things that make me happy.
1. (and the most important) THE PVA KIDS!! they make my life everyday not a school day goes by without me thinking how lucky i am to be in this program just because they are in it i love them all so much.
2. random spontaneous conversations i once had a conversation start with "I think my car was a stripper in a previous life" that was the best facebook chat convo ever.
3. well placed "house" remarks and irony always make me laugh.
4. when people act like families and stick together no matter what
5. Michael Jackson music it just makes me happy and what was equally awesome is when i went to this is it with lexi and we had the sweet potatoe fries. then i went the next day and was singing along to all the songs and then i went again and that time i also sang to everysong and knew ALL the words both the people i went with didnt appreciate my loud singing but they were also in awe that i actually knew all the words.
6. sincere compliments i have incredibly low self esteem (I know "NOT YOU!!" BUT YES ITS TRUE) one little compliment makes my day better then i could have ever been (best day = MJ+PVA also)

well i am done because as you well aware 6 is my number and i dont want to upset the natural balance and take MJ's number 7
the ironic thing is i have 3 posts today but i will probably not post again for months hahaha but life is full of suprises!

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